Christopher Crusher/Chrusher Comics


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 1) Provide easier access to my comics for my friends.
2) Show my comics to people who have never seen them and maybe make new friends.
3) To show my art to potential publishers, syndicates, &/or employers (OK, that's the #1 reason).
4) If nothing else, for the pure fun of it.

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Volume 1995 -  Issue #1 First comic

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Chrusher (abbreviation for Chris Crusher) Comics began in 1988 by the then 14-year-old Cartoonist/High-School-Vigilante Chris Crusher and have continued into the modern era. It's often humor mixed with action and adventure, though there's also some drama and romance as it goes on. It's my non-stop ongoing serial/practice/hobby comic that I've done on and off for over 18 years to amuse myself and my friends. Most of the site is safe for general audiences, but occasionally we have some content only suitable for mature teens and adults. Website is usually updated daily!

Galletta's Go-Kart Speedway
Christopher Galletta Stevens (AKA The Chrusher or Crusher) continues his fight of good (him) vs. evil (everyone else)
on Go-Karts every weekend from June through October at the speedway in back of Galletta's Greenhouse in Oswego, NY!!
(Yeah, it's kind of like Mario Kart. But with real life people and real karts. And only limited weapons. And you're invited to view or race!)

Want a sneak preview of my co-created children's book? Take a look:
The Official Tee & Wee Page

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The fine print: Chrusher Comix and Towner Comics are hosted on the ingenious ComicGenesis, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics. Chrusher Comix & all artwork, characters, stories, names, ideas and  other intellectual properties on this website on this webpage are TM & © Copyright 1988-2006 Christopher Galletta Stevens (unless otherwise noted), and are protected under copyright laws as such. Please ask permission before using anything on this website, though you may link to it whenever you wish. All rights reserved.  Author is seeking publication,  syndication, or employment as a commercial artist, graphic designer, computer colorist, freelance illustrator, and/or cartoonist. Please consider donations (see donation buttons above) as they are essential for the survival of un-syndicated cartoonists, including this one. Seeking employment as a . Contact me with comments and offers. By the way, the * means that it is rated the #1 free comic by people who actually read it all instead of leaving after a few pages.

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