Online artist profile/portfolio of
Christopher "ChrusherComix":
Greetings. My name is
Christopher Stevens, but I also go by the pen name of
Christopher Galletta
or CJS Galletta for short. I was born in May 1974, and I live in Upstate New York with my beautiful native Thai wife,
Rungnapha, and my family. I am a freelance graphic artist and a seasonal florist at
my family's seasonal greenhouse business,
and I co-founded/co-own and race in a
5hp go-kart racing league. I created, illustrated,
and colored all of the artwork found on the below websites, and
I also built all of the below websites and wrote all of their
contents (except for the Tee & Wee book store). Below are free, online samples of what I do best:
Graphic Novel,
Comic book,
cartoon/comic strip,
children's book,
graphic novel and commercial artwork. I pencil and/or ink all of
these illustrations by hand, and digitally color (via Adobe
Photoshop) since 2005. I am available for commissions on hand
drawn artwork, computer art, and website design.
I work for extremely
affordable prices. My normal fees for commissioned work are as
follows: $10-50 for banners, $50-300 for reproducible logos for
your organization, $50-100 for HTML webpages, $50-100 for small
cartoons, $50-300 for full-page comic book or graphic novel
artwork (price will vary based on more detailed and/or
colorized). More samples of my work are available online, and a
lot of it for free. Just browse the below information. Thank

being produced
is the newest page of
End Cycle, an online graphic novel. The cover on the left is
the first page of the new graphic novel, and
the cover on
the right is the shortcut to
the first
page of "Classic Crusher Comics."
A complete
listing in chronological order is found here, and one is
inverted-chronological order is found here. Created in 1988,
when a 14-year old started drawing a made-up-on-the-spot comic book in
his high school sketchbook during study hall. Twenty years and a handful
of awards later, the entire forty-seven episode, one-thousand+ page
series debuted online in 2005. This series was
created before
webcomics existed, was never previously published in print format,
and was only web-published in its entirety recently, making it one
of the best kept secrets of the comic world, &
webcomic-cliché-free. Enjoy any of the dozens of storylines and
thousands of pages today! All pages created, written, illustrated,
colored, maintained, and © copyright by Christopher Galletta

My complete comic book archive from 1988-1999 (Mostly
juvenile comedy content):


Shortcuts to cartoonist's choice
Winter strips,
Spring strips, Galletta's Ads, and Summer fun strips:
 Shortcuts to cartoonist's choice Halloween strips (start & finish),
Thanksgiving strips (start & finish), and Christmas Strips (start & finish):

Towner, My
family-friendly/all-ages comic strip:

    This is a project that I co-created with a writer friend
of mine named
Buchanan. It's a children's book tentatively
Tee & Wee:
Health and Nutrition. It's about two aliens who
teach earth children how to eat and exercise to stay
healthy. Robert proposed the idea and we co-collaborated
on the design of the characters. Robert then wrote the
story and I hand-penciled, inked, and digitally colored
the entire book. I basically taught myself how to use
Adobe Photoshop from scratch
via coloring this book, and though it was a long
process, I am delighted with the finished product. The
book is now available for sale, and we are both very
proud of this work and would be honored if you would
buy a copy
My family & friends racing hobby in
Oswego, NY - extensive pictures, statistics, videos, and photos:

Founded in the early 1990s by my
brother and I, we race racing modified yard karts on dirt and clay
racetracks in the local area kart tracks. Racing with mostly 5
horsepower motors (gas-powered with 100% stock parts and shaved
heads), we founded the Oswego County Gas Karting Points series,
which we race at Galletta's Greenhouse Yard Kart Speedway since 1995
and at Oswego Speedway's dirt karting track since 2006. I own,
designed, built, and run the website, which includes pictures, video
clips, race descriptions, and statistics for every race since 2005.
My family greenhouse in Oswego, NY:

Generations of family have
made Galletta's Greenhouse a successful small business. If in
Oswego area between May and August, then please stop by for your
flowers and planting needs.
Political Cartoon Samples:
On one hand, I wouldn't mind doing political
cartoons. But on the other hand, I know how intolerant and
hateful some people can be when you disagree with them
politically. Like the people whom these ones would offend.

Star Wars Samples: Here are some illustrations of some random pop culture characters from TV shows and movies that I loved when I was growing up. Mainly
Star Wars and
both of which I owe a great deal of my childhood memories and
imagination to. My objective with these was to try out for comic
book companies with them.
Here are some of my Star Wars illustrations. I can actually do better now, but they still aren't too shabby,
especially the 1999 ones. The characters are all owned by Lucasfilm,

Note: Most of these aren't colored, as I did them before I had a computer. However, the Darth Maul bust was colored by art marker and the background by Photoshop.
Transformers Samples:
Here are some illustrations of some
popular Takara/Hasbro's Transformers: Generation One characters. I don't care for the modern day Transformers series; the cartoon by Sunbow/Marvel
that aired from 1984-1987 (which are all available on DVD) was everything to me when I was a kid, and still admire them twenty years later.
Note: Same as above, mostly uncolored because I didn't have a computer when I drew these. The colored Bumblebee, Hot Rod, Optimus Prime, and Megatron were colored years later using Corel Photo House before I learned how to use Adobe Photoshop. I could add more gradients and effects if I had used Photoshop, and did add a little. Please note that these Transformers were drawn prior to Dreamwave's fantastic meched-out Transformers comic books were out. If I drew them nowadays, I'd likely adopt some of the similar styles that they used. These illustrations were based more after the animated series and Movie that ran from 1984-1987, which I love to no end.
Additional Samples: Here are a few illustrations that I did for a
writer friend who goes by the nickname of Uni. He was co-writing for a book that had these fantasy characters. I spent quite some time on specifically the ink work, which is some of my best stuff, so I wanted to show it here as well.:

In addition to Tee and Wee, Robert Buchanan also had me draw illustrations for a short story of his. But the project was placed on hiatus so we could tackle Tee and Wee. Here are a few pencilled and inked pages from
"Sara: Stray"
for your viewing pleasure.

The text of this story is omitted and
Robert Buchanan.
If interested, here are Robert's
pictures, and
Experience & Awards:
I started doing cartoons and comic books when I was a little kid as far back as I can remember. I was drawing Frosty the Snowman when I was barely old enough to walk. I made my first comic strip,
Mr. Butts, when I was under ten years old and used to get in trouble in Elementary School doing them. In Middle School, I again got into more trouble than good with my practical joke comic strips mocking my friends and completely destroying some teachers that I didn't care for. By High School, the trend continued, as I continued to get in trouble for them. That was until the High School newspaper's editor/teacher spotted my art and instantly asked me to be on his art staff, where I stopped getting in trouble and started getting positive attention. I drew Crusher Comics and occasional news-related illustrations
for Oswego High School's Buccaneer Bulletin
from1989-1992and I have
here. I was proud to accomplish many accolades during this era, as I
won The Empire State School Press Association's First Place Certificate for the Best Cartoon in New York State of the academic school year of 1989-1990.I also won First Place
two times and Second Place one time
for The Syracuse Newspapers High School Press Day's Editorial Writing/Cartoon
Contests during the years of1990-1992, which has, to my knowledge, a streak that is unmatched before or since. I then took assorted cartooning and commercial art adult education classes during and after high school, and have a degree in cartooning/graphic
art from Oswego. I've
been writing & illustrating Chrusher Comics since 1988, and
Towner comics from 1997, all without pay (other than the Towner
cartoons that double as Galletta's ads in Oswego's
Times newspaper every May. Thousands of samples of my
illustrations are above. I have been art director, advertisement illustrator and co-website designer for
Galletta's Greenhouse
for well over ten years now, where my illustrated advertisements have
been appearing in local newspapers. Of course, I've been a florist
there since I was a kid, because it is owned by my family, and it is my
primary job while I concentrate on my artwork in the off-season.
Artistic influences,
Hobbies and Pastimes on the next page:
(and my favorite
available pop-culture movies, books, and score CDs):

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Towner and Chrusher Comics are both hosted on
ComicGenesis, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.
Towner and Crusher Comics - All artwork & original ideas (unless otherwise noted)
copyright ©
Christopher Galletta Stevens.
Please ask permission before using any of the artwork on this website, although you may link to it without permission. All original artwork, intellectual properties, characters, stories, names, and ideas on this website are created and owned by Christopher Galletta Stevens and are protected under copyright laws as such.
Artist is seeking publication and/or syndication of any of the projects displayed on this website, and any other project offers are welcome, but stealing or defacing my comics
without expressed written permission is not. Please consider donations
or buying merchandise, as they are essential for the survival of un-syndicated cartoonists, including this one. Seeking employment as a commercial artist, graphic designer, computer colorist, freelance illustrator, and/or cartoonist.
Contact me with offers.