Artistic influences,
Hobbies and Pastimes on the next page:
(and my favorite
available pop-culture movies, books, and score CDs):
influences in my creative input are mostly fairly popular in modern
pop culture. Initially, I was greatly creatively influenced by
filmmakers George Lucas
for his entire
Star Wars Saga
and Steven Spielberg for his better movies. Then, along with
comic strips in general, the mid-1980's era
Transformers: Generation One cartoons &
Movie (1986) and 1980's era
G.I. Joe
cartoons and
by Marvel and
brought me a long way in terms of my desire to be a
cartoonist/graphic artist. I don't care for most modern revisions of
either series, but I love their '80s incarnations. Later on, comic
book artists
Todd McFarlane,
Jim Lee,
Arthur Adams,
Michael Turner, along with cartoonist
Bill Watterson
(for, obviously, his
comic strip,
"Calvin and Hobbes"),
and comic book writer/creator
Stan Lee
all influenced my illustration and cartooning skills, playing a big
role in development of my artistic abilities. All of the above
influenced my style and some people can still spot it even years
later. I'm also a fan of writers
Eric Van
Lustbader for his Nicholas Linnear novels and
Larry Hama
for his impressive run in the 1980s-90s G.I. Joe series. Both of
these writers had the largest impact on my storytelling with their
long and detailed story arcs featuring masters of ninjutsu and
military operations. However, perhaps last but not least, my
greatest artistic role model is countless multi-time award-winning
composer John Williams,
who's world-renowned music, tireless work ethic and quiet success are
such a deep inspiration for me, that I have
a world-class collection of his music on CD, LP, and DVD. A good
chunk of my
favorite TV shows, movies, and soundtrack CDs are found on this
page. I recommend them to anybody that hasn't seen them. But none of
these role models and inspirations can be anything without hard
work, support of family, friends, teachers, and most importantly,
God-given talent (oops, that last part just lost the angry atheists
and agnostics reading, haha.).
Hobbies and Pastimes:
My hobbies are
a treasure trove of what one would call guilty pleasures. Perhaps my
favorite is racing go-karts.
This is
a website that features me, my friends, and family go-kart racing
every weekend behind
Galletta's Greenhouse
and Oswego Speedway from
June-October in Oswego, NY. While it is meant to document the all of
races with photos, video clips, and statistics, I often throw a
little humor into it, with mixed results (some people love it and
some people think that it is an insult to racing. Or something.). We
have a ton of fun karting, but I also have fun on the website
design, the DVDs and photo captures, the occasionally
comedic photo captions,
and the kart paintjobs. New racers always welcome, though we mainly
just want serious and friendly racers! In addition to karting,
other hobbies I
have include playing basketball, and working out while watching
San Antonio Spurs
basketball and
New York Jets
football, where I've
recorded entire seasons of both teams for over a decade now.
Attending/watching Supermodified asphalt racing, surfing the web. I have a complete
collection of 1984-87
Transformers toys and DVDs, in addition to impressive
collections of
G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero, and
Star Wars
collectibles and action figures. One of my favorite pastimes is
collecting and listening to John Williams albums, something I've
done since childhood, and often I can be found working on my artwork
while listening to his film scores. His film scores lead me into my
favorite movies. They are (even in spite of all the
bashing), The
Star Wars
Saga as a whole (in order of liking:
The Empire Strikes Back [also my favorite movie of
of the Sith,
Return of the Jedi,
The Phantom
A New Hope
(yes, most people's favorite is one of my least favorite in the
series), and
of the Clones) and my favorite fictional character is The
Emperor Palpatine/Darth Sidious from the aforementioned Star
Wars saga. Amongst my other favorite movies are several of
John Williams' scored movies, including all of his
aforementioned Star wars scores and many of his that he scored
Spielberg, led by The
Indiana Jones
and Jurassic Park
series. Other favorite movies of mine include
the Rocky
series, Superman
Superman II,
The Fury,
the darker
along with one of my first childhood favorites,
The Black Hole.
Most of my favorite movies also double as some of my favorite
soundtrack albums, most of which are orchestral, which I find more
artistically stimulating to my writing than lyrical music, as it
allows for more imagination. My favorite composers are (the
John Williams,
Vince DiCola,
Danny Elfman,
James Horner,
Bill Conti,
and John Barry. My favorite band is
Fleetwood Mac,
and my favorite singer/songwriter is
Amy Grant
(an eclectic mix, I know). My favorite TV shows are
The Sopranos,
wrestling, any
re-runs of The Three Stooges, and aforementioned
Transformers and
G.I. Joe cartoons from the mid-1980s. My favorite video
games are the
Zelda series, The
Gaiden series, the NES
Double Dragon
series, Star Wars games, racing games, and
NBA Live and
Madden NFL
games, amongst assorted other favorites of many genres, though I do
not play as many now as I did in my teens and twenties. Last but not
least, I'm a Christian, and an amateur
of sorts, but usually only amongst open-minded acquaintances.
Amongst the more close-minded, I would usually request that they
listen to
some of my
favorite Christian apologists'
free sermons
shows (most notably
Dr. Ravi
Zacharias), because they are far wiser sages than I am. If
listened to on a regular basis, the alleged weaknesses and
contradictions of the Bible and Christianity are covered and
refuted. In conclusion, it should be noted that although I may
disagree with other people's beliefs or lifestyles, I am very
tolerant of them, hoping that they would also be tolerant of mine.

Here are samples of my comic books & graphic novel
ranging anywhere between 1988-2007.




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Towner and Crusher Comics - All artwork & original ideas (unless otherwise noted)
copyright ©
Christopher Galletta Stevens.
Please ask permission before using any of the artwork on this website, although you may link to it without permission. All original artwork, intellectual properties, characters, stories, names, and ideas on this website are created and owned by Christopher Galletta Stevens and are protected under copyright laws as such.
Artist is seeking publication and/or syndication of any of the projects displayed on this website, and any other project offers are welcome, but stealing or defacing my comics
without expressed written permission is not. Please consider donations
or buying merchandise, as they are essential for the survival of un-syndicated cartoonists, including this one. Seeking employment as a commercial artist, graphic designer, computer colorist, freelance illustrator, and/or cartoonist.
Contact me with offers.