My Towner and Chrusher comics are
mostly free of political rants. But these are highly politicized.
If you get angry at me, then please realize that this was someone else's
idea. Ha! My good friend Tim Sczerby came up with this idea and I laughed so
hard that I HAD to make a comic out of it. He's always got some great
political cartoon ideas... a few more that I'd like to draw when I have the
Please ask permission before using any of the original artwork on this website. All rights reserved. All artwork, characters, stories, names, and ideas on this website are created and owned by Christopher Galletta Stevens and are protected under copyright laws as such. Author is seeking publication and/or syndication. Please consider donations (see donation buttons above) as they are essential for the survival of un-syndicated cartoonists, including this one. Seeking employment as a commercial artist, graphic designer, computer colorist, freelance illustrator, and/or cartoonist. Contact me with comments and offers.
Please help me out if you can. This panhandler does all of this for free. By the way, my Thai wife will Maui Thai kick box you to death if you don't give me money:
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